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Achievements of The EC Network of Excellence Hysafe


In many areas European research has been largely fragmented. To support the required integration and to focus and coordinate related research efforts the European Commission created a new instrument, the Networks of Excellences (NoEs). The goal of the NoE HySafe has been to provide the basis to facilitate the safe introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier by removing the safety related obstacles. The prioritisation of the HySafe internal project activities was based on a phenomena identification and ranking exercise (PIRT) and expert interviews. The identified research headlines were “Releases in (partially) confined areas”, “Mitigation” and “Quantitative Risk Assessment”. Along these headlines existing or planned research work was re-orientated and slightly modified, to build up three large internal research projects “InsHyde”, “HyTunnel”, and “HyQRA”. In InsHyde realistic indoor hydrogen leaks and associated hazards have been investigated to provide recommendations for the safe use of indoor hydrogen systems including mitigation and detection means. The appropriateness of available regulations, codes and standards (RCS) has been assessed. Experimental and numerical work was conducted to benchmark simulation tools and to evaluate the related recommendations. HyTunnel contributed to the understanding of the nature of the hazards posed by hydrogen vehicles inside tunnels and its relative severity compared to other fuels. In HyQRA quantitative risk assessment strategies were applied to relevant scenarios in a hydrogen refuelling station and the performance was compared to derive also recommendations. The integration provided by the network is manifested by a series of workshops and benchmarks related to experimental and numerical work. Besides, the network generated the following products: the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, the first academic education related to hydrogen safety and the Safety Handbook. Finally, the network initiated the founding of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety, which will open up the future networking to all interested parties on an international level. The indicated results of this five years integration activity will be described in short.

Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives ; Safety
Countries: Germany

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Achievements of The EC Network of Excellence Hysafe

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