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Defect Assessment on Pipe Used For Transport of Mixture of Hydrogen and Natural Gas


The present article indicates the change of mechanical properties of X52 gas pipe steel in presence of hydrogen and its consequence on defect assessment particularly on notch like defects. The purpose of this work is to determine if the transport of a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen in the actual existing European natural gas pipe network can be done with a reasonable low failure risk (i.e. a probability of failure less than 10-6). To evaluate this risk, a deterministic defect assessment method has been established. This method is based on Failure Assessment Diagram and more precisely on a Modified Notch Failure Assessment Diagram (MNFAD) which has been proposed for this work. This MNFAD is coupled with the SINTAP failure curve and allows determining the safety factor associated with defect geometry, loading conditions and material resistance. The work described in this paper was performed within the NATURALHY work package 3 on ’Durability of pipeline material’.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: France

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