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Ignition and Heat Radiation of Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets


In the present work release and ignition experiments with horizontal cryogenic hydrogen jets at temperatures of 35–65 K and pressures from 0.7 to 3.5 MPa were performed in the ICESAFE facility at KIT. This facility is specially designed for experiments under steady-state sonic release conditions with constant temperature and pressure in the hydrogen reservoir. In distribution experiments the temperature, velocity, turbulence and concentration distribution of hydrogen with different circular nozzle diameters and reservoir conditions was investigated for releases into stagnant ambient air. Subsequent combustion experiments of hydrogen jets included investigations on the stability of the flame and its propagation behaviour as function of the ignition position. Furthermore combustion pressures and heat radiation from the sonic jet flame during the combustion process were measured. Safety distances were evaluated and an extrapolation model to other jet conditions was proposed. The results of this work provide novel data on cryogenic sonic hydrogen jets and give information on the hazard potential arising from leaks in liquid hydrogen reservoirs.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Ignition and heat radiation of cryogenic hydrogen jets

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