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Fire Risk on High-pressure Full Composite Cylinders for Automotive Applications


In the event of a fire, the TPRD (Thermally activated Pressure Relief Device) prevents the high-pressure full composite cylinder from bursting by detecting high temperatures and releasing the pressurized gas. The current safety performance of both the vessel and the TPRD is demonstrated by an engulfing bonfire test. However, there is no requirement concerning the effect of the TPRD release, which may produce a hazardous hydrogen flame due to the high flow-rate of the TPRD. It is necessary to understand better the behavior of an unprotected composite cylinder exposed to fire in order to design appropriate protection for it and to be able to reduce the length of any potential hydrogen flame. For that purpose, a test campaign was performed on a 36 L cylinder with a design pressure of 70 MPa. The time from fire exposure to the bursting of this cylinder (the burst delay) was measured. The influence of the fire type (partial or global) and the influence of the pressure in the cylinder during the exposure were studied. It was found that the TPRD orifice diameter should be significantly reduced compared to current practice.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: France

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Fire risk on high-pressure full composite cylinders for automotive applications

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