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Real-gas Equations-of-State for the GASFLOW CFD Code


GASFLOW is a finite-volume computer code that solves the time-dependent, two-phase homogeneous equilibrium model, compressible Navier–Stokes equations for multiple gas species with turbulence. The fluid-dynamics algorithm is coupled with conjugate heat and mass transfer models to represent walls, floors, ceilings, and other internal structures to describe complex geometries, such as those found in nuclear containments and facilities. Recent applications involve simulations of cryogenic hydrogen tanks at elevated pressures. These applications, which often have thermodynamic conditions near the critical point, require more accurate real-gas Equations-of-State (EoS) and transport properties than the standard ideal gas EoS and classical kinetic-theory transport properties. This paper describes the rigorous implementation of the generalized real-gas EoS into the GASFLOW CFD code, as well as the specific implementation of respective real-gas models (Leachman's NIST hydrogen EoS, a modified van der Waals EoS and a modified Nobel-Abel EoS); it also includes a logical testing procedure based upon a numerically exact benchmark problem. An example of GASFLOW simulations is presented for an ideal cryo-compressed hydrogen tank of the type utilized in fuel cell vehicles.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Real-gas Equations-of-State for the GASFLOW CFD code

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