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Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule For Hydrogen Pipelines


This paper summarizes the current results of the theoretical and experimental activity carried out by the Italian Working Group on the fire prevention safety issues in the field of the hydrogen transport in pipelines. From the theoretical point of view a draft document has been produced beginning from the regulations in force on the natural gas pipelines; these have been reviewed, corrected and integrated with the instructions suitable to the use of hydrogen. From the experimental point of view an apparatus has been designed and installed at the University of Pisa; this apparatus has allowed the simulation of hydrogen releases from a pipeline with and without ignition of hydrogen-air mixture. The experimental data have helped the completion of the above-mentioned draft document with the instructions about the safety distances. The document has been improved, for example pipelines above ground (not buried) are allowed due to the knowledge acquired by means of the experimental campaign. The safety distances related to this kind of piping has been chosen on the base of risk analysis. The work on the text contents is concluded and the document is currently under discussion with the Italian stakeholders involved in the hydrogen applications.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Italy

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Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule For Hydrogen Pipelines

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