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A Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion for the Hydrogen Leakage from a Fuel Cell Vehicle in an Underground Parking Garage


In the present study, the diffusion process of hydrogen leaking from a FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicle) in an underground parking garage is analyzed by numerical simulations in order to assess the risk of a leakage accident. The temporal and spatial evolution of the hydrogen concentration as well as the flammable region in the parking garage was predicted numerically. The effects of the leakage flow rate and an additional ventilation fan were investigated to evaluate the ventilation performance to relieve the accumulation of the hydrogen gas. The volume of the flammable region shows a non-linear growth in time and rapidly increases eventually. The present numerical analysis can provide a physical insight and quantitative data for safety of various hydrogen applications.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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A Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion for the Hydrogen Leakage from a Fuel Cell Vehicle in an Underground Parking Garage

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