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Experimental Study of Hydrogen Releases in the Passenger Compartment of a Piaggio Porter


There are currently projects and demonstration programs aiming at introducing Hydrogen powered Fuel Cell (HFC) vehicles into the market. Regione Toscana has been cofounder of the project “H2 Filiera Idrogeno”, whose goal is to achieve a clean and sustainable mobility through HFC vehicle studies covering their production, storage and use. Among the goals of the project was the substitution of the electric propulsion system with a hydrogen fuel cells propulsion system. This work presents a brief overview of the necessary modifications of the electric propulsion version of a Piaggio Porter to host a H2 fuel cell and experimental studies of realistic H2 releases from the vehicle. The scenarios covered H2 unintended releases underneath the vehicle when at rest and focused on three types of releases, diffusive, major and minor, that might reach the interior of the vehicle and potentially pose a direct risk to the passengers.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Italy

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