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The NREL Sensor Laboratory: Hydrogen Leak Detection for Large Scale Deployments


The NREL Hydrogen Sensor Laboratory was commissioned in 2010 as a resource for sensor developers, end-users, and regulatory agencies within the national and international hydrogen community. The Laboratory continues to provide as its core capability the unbiased verification of hydrogen sensor performance to assure sensor availability and their proper use. However, the mission and strategy of the NREL Sensor Laboratory has evolved to meet the needs of the growing hydrogen market. The Sensor Laboratory program has expanded to support research in conventional and alternative detection methods as hydrogen use expands to large-scale markets as envisioned by the DOE National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap. Current research encompasses advanced methods of hydrogen leak detection including stand-off and wide area monitoring approaches for large scale and distributed applications. In addition to safety applications, low-level detection strategies to support the potential environmental impacts of hydrogen and hydrogen product losses along the value chain are being explored. Many of these applications utilize detection strategies that supplement and may supplant the use of traditional point sensors. The latest results of the hydrogen detection strategy research at NREL will be presented.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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