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HYRAM: A Methodology and Toolkit for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Systems


HyRAM is a methodology and accompanying software toolkit, which is being developed to provide a platform for integration of state-of-the-art, validated science and engineering models and data relevant to hydrogen safety. As such, the HyRAM software toolkit establishes a standard methodology for conducting quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and consequence analysis relevant to assessing the safety of hydrogen fueling and storage infrastructure. The HyRAM toolkit integrates fast-running deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying risk of accident scenarios, for predicting physical effects, and for characterizing the impact of hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, thermal and pressure effects from deflagrations and detonations). HyRAM incorporates generic probabilities for equipment failures for nine types of hydrogen system components, generic probabilities for hydrogen ignition, and probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux and pressure on humans and structures. These are combined with fast-running, computationally and experimentally validated models of hydrogen release and flame behaviour. HyRAM can be extended in scope via user contributed models and data. The QRA approach in HyRAM can be used for multiple types of analyses, including codes and standards development, code compliance, safety basis development, and facility safety planning. This manuscript discusses the current status and vision for HyRAM.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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HYRAM a methodology and toolkit for quantitative risk assessment of hydrogen systems

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