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Evaluation of the Protection Effectiveness Against Overpressure From Hydrogen-air Explosion


The aim of this study is to assess the probability of the damage to hydrogen fuelling station personnel exposed to the hydrogen explosion shock wave. A three-dimensional mathematical model of the explosion of hydrogen-air cloud formed after the destruction of the high-pressure storage cylinders is developed. A computer technology how to define the personnel damage probability field on the basis of probit analysis of the generated shock wave is developed. To automate the process of computing the "probit function-damage probability" tabular dependence is replaced by a piecewise cubic spline. The results of calculations of overpressure fields, impulse loading, and the probability of damage to fuelling station personnel exposed to the shock wave are obtained. The mathematical model takes into account the complex terrain and three-dimensional non-stationary nature of the shock wave propagation process. The model allows to obtain time-spatial distribution of damaging factors (overpressure in the shock wave front and the compression phase impulse) required to determine the three-dimensional non-stationary damage probability fields based on probit analysis. The developed computer technology allows to carry out an automated analysis of the safety situation at the fuelling station and to conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different types of protective facilities.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Ukraine

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Evaluation of the protection effectiveness against overpressure from hydrogen-air explosion

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