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Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) for Multi-fuel Motor Vehicle Dispensing Station


In the United States, requirements for liquid motor vehicle fuelling stations have been in place for many years. Requirements for motor vehicle fuelling stations for gaseous fuels, including hydrogen, are relatively new. These requirements have, in the United States, been developed along different code and standards paths. The liquid fuels have been addressed in a single document and the gaseous fuels have been addressed in documents specific to an individual gas. The result of these parallel processes is that multi-fuel stations are subject to requirements in several fuelling regulations, codes, and standards (RCS). This paper describes a configuration of a multi-fuel motor vehicle fuelling station and provides a detailed breakdown of the codes and standards requirements. The multi-fuel station would dispense what the U.S. Department of Energy defines as the six key alternative fuels: biodiesel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, and propane. The paper will also identify any apparent gaps in RCS and potential research projects that could help fill these gaps.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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