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Component Availability Effects for Pressure Relief Valves Used at Hydrogen Fueling Stations


There are times in engineering when it seems that safety and equipment cost reduction are conflicting priorities. This could be the case for pressure relief valves and vent stack sizing. This paper explores the role that component availability (particularly variety in flow and orifice diameters) plays in the engineer’s decision of a relief valve. This paper outlines the guidelines and assumptions in sizing and selecting pressure relief devices (PRDs) found in a typical high pressure hydrogen fueling station. It also provides steps in sizing the station common vent stack where the discharge gas is to be routed to prior being released into the atmosphere. This paper also explores the component availability landscape for hydrogen station designers and identifies opportunities for improvement in the supply chain of components as hydrogen fueling stations increase in number and size. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII (ASME BPVC Section VIII), Compressed Gas Association S-1.3 (CGA S-1.3), and American Petroleum Institute 520 (API 520) standards provide specific design criteria for hydrogen pressure relief valves. Results of these calculations do not match the available components. The available safety relief valves are 50 to 87 times larger than the required calculated flow capacities. Selecting a significantly oversized safety relief valve affects the vent stack design as the stack design requires sizing relative to the actual flowrate of the safety relief valve. The effect on the vent stack size in turn negatively affects site safety radiation threshold set back distances.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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Component availability effects for pressure relief valves used at hydrogen fuelling stations

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