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European Hydrogen Safety Panel (EHSP)


The FCH 2 JU launched the European Hydrogen Safety Panel (EHSP) initiative in 2017. The mission of the EHSP is to assist the FCH 2 JU both at programme and at project level in assuring that hydrogen safety is adequately managed, and to promote and disseminate H2 safety culture within and outside of the FCH 2 JU programme. The EHSP is composed of a multidisciplinary pool of safety experts grouped in ad-hoc working groups (task forces) according to the tasks to be performed and to expertise. The scope and activities of the EHSP are structured around four main areas:

TF.1. Support at project level The EHSP task under this category includes the development of measures to avoid any accident by integrating safety learnings, expertise and planning into FCH 2 JU funded projects and by ensuring that all projects address and incorporate the state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety appropriately. To this end, a Safety guidance document for hydrogen and fuel cell projects will be produced.
TF.2. Support at programme level Activities under this category include answering questions related to hydrogen safety in an independent, coordinated and consolidated way, via hotline-support or if necessary, via physical presence of safety representative at the FCH 2 JU. It could also include a short introduction to hydrogen safety, and the provision of specific guidelines for the handling, storage and use of hydrogen in the public domain. As a start, a clear strategy on this should be developed and therefore related M ulti-annual work plan 2018-2020.
TF.3. Data collection and assessment The EHSP tasks include the analysis of existing events already introduced in the European Hydrogen Safety Reference Database (HIAD) and of new information from relevant mishaps, incidents or accidents. The EHSP should therefore derive lessons learned and provide together with the involved parties further general recommendations to all stakeholders, based on these data. For 2018, the following deliverables should be produced: methodology to collect inputs from projects and to provide lessons learned and guidelines, assessment and lessons learned from HIAD and a report on research progress in the field of hydrogen safety.
TF.4. Public outreach Framed within the context of the intended broad information exchange, the EHSP tasks under this category include the development of a regularly updated webpage hosted on the FCH 2 JU website.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Belgium

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European Hydrogen Safety Panel (EHSP)

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