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Safety Criteria for the Transport of Hydrogen in Permanently Mounted Composite Pressure Vessels


The recent growth of the net of hydrogen fuelling stations increases the demands to transport compressed hydrogen on road by battery vehicles or tube-trailers, both in composite pressure vessels. As a transport regulation, the ADR is applicable in Europe and adjoined regions, and is used for national transport in the EU. This regulation provides requirements based on the behaviour of each individual pressure vessel, regardless of the pressure of the transported hydrogen and relevant consequences resulting from generally possible worst case scenarios such as sudden rupture. In 2012, the BAM (German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) introduced consequence-dependent requirements and established them in national transport requirements concerning the “UN service life checks” etc. to consider the transported volume and pressure of gases. This results in a requirement that becomes more restrictive as the product of pressure and volume increases. In the studies presented here, the safety measures for hydrogen road transport are identified and reviewed through a number of safety measures from countries including Japan, the USA and China. Subsequently, the failure consequences of using trailer vehicles, the related risk and the chance are evaluated. A benefit-related risk criterion is suggested to add to regulations and to be defined as a safety goal in standards for hydrogen transport vehicles and for mounted pressure vessels. Finally, an idea is given for generating probabilistic safety data and for highly efficient evaluation without a significant increase of effort.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Safety criteria for the transport of hydrogen in permanently mounted composite pressure vessels

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