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When and How to Regulate Hydrogen Networks?


This European Green Deal Regulatory White Paper provides the views of Europe’s energy regulators, represented by ACER and CEER on when and how to regulate the hydrogen networks in the future.

With the EU goal of becoming a carbon neutral continent by 2050, hydrogen is set to play a key role in decarbonising Europe's economy.
To realise the European Green Deal's ambitions for hydrogen, the right regulatory framework must be created to facilitate a hydrogen economy in a cost-effective way.
European energy regulators (ACER and CEER) have published a set of recommendations on when and how to regulate pure hydrogen networks. The need and scope of hydrogen network regulation will depend on its structure and evolution.
This paper is the first in our new series of ACER-CEER European Green Deal Regulatory White Papers. This hydrogen paper examines:

  • The circumstances under which regulating hydrogen networks is needed;
  • How to treat existing hydrogen network infrastructure;
  • How to address regulatory challenges related to the repurposing of gas infrastructure for dedicated hydrogen transport.

The aim is to deepen understanding on the regulatory aspects of Green Deal issues and to assist the European Commission in assessing various options as part of the preparations for legislation on hydrogen and energy system integration. With the EU goal of becoming a carbon neutral continent by 2050, hydrogen is set to play a key role in decarbonising Europe's economy.

The Full report can be found on the ACER website

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Slovenia

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