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Localized Plasticity and Associated Cracking in Stable and Metastable High-Entropy Alloys Pre-Charged with Hydrogen


We investigated hydrogen embrittlement in Fe20Mn20Ni20Cr20Co and Fe30Mn10Cr10Co (at.%) alloys pre-charged with 100 MPa hydrogen gas by tensile testing at three initial strain rates of 10−4, 10−3, and 10−2 s−1 at ambient temperature. The alloys are classified as stable and metastable austenite-based high-entropy alloys (HEAs), respectively. Both HEAs showed the characteristic hydrogen-induced degradation of tensile ductility. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis indicated that the reduction in ductility by hydrogen pre-charging was associated with localized plasticity-assisted intergranular crack initiation. It should be noted as an important finding that hydrogen-assisted cracking of the metastable HEA occurred not through a brittle mechanism but through localized plastic deformation in both the austenite and ε-martensite phases.

Countries: Japan ; United States

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