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Numerical Solution for Thermodynamic Model of Charge-discharge Cycle in Compressed Hydrogen Tank


The safety and convenience of hydrogen storage are significant for fuel cell vehicles. Based on mass conservation equation and energy conservation equation, two thermodynamic models (single zone model and dual zone model) have been established to study the hydrogen gas temperature and tank wall temperature for compressed hydrogen storage tank. With two models, analytical solution and Euler solution for single zone (gas zone) charge-discharge cycle have been compared, Matlab/Simulink solution and Euler solution for dual zone (gas zone, wall zone) charge-discharge cycle have been compared. Three charge-discharge cycle cases (Case 1, constant inflow temperature; Case 2, variable inflow temperature; Case 3, constant inflow temperature variable outflow temperature) and two compressed hydrogen tanks (Type III 25L, Type IV 99L) charge-discharge cycle are studied by Euler method. Results show Euler method can well predict hydrogen temperature and tank wall temperature.


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