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Hydrogen Permeation Under High Pressure Conditions and the Destruction of Exposed Polyethylene-property of Polymeric Materials for High-pressure Hydrogen Devices (2)-


Aiming to elucidate physical property affecting to hydrogen gas permeability of polymer materials used for liner materials of storage tanks or hoses and sealants under high-pressure environment, as model materials with different free volume fraction, five types of polyethylene were evaluated using two methods. A convenient non-steady state measurement of thermal desorption analysis (TDA), and steady-state high-pressure hydrogen gas permeation test (HPHP) were used both under up to 90 MPa of practical pressure. The limit of TDA method of evaluation for the specimens suffering fracture during decompression process after hydrogen exposure was found. Permeability coefficient decreased with the decrease of diffusion coefficient under higher pressure condition. Specific volume and degree of crystallinity under hydrostatic environment were measured. The results showed that the shrinkage in free volume caused by hydrostatic effects of the applied hydrogen gas pressure decreases diffusion coefficient, resulting in the decrease of permeability coefficient with the pressure rise.

Countries: Japan

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