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Experimental Study on a Hydrogen Stratification Induced by PARs Installed in a Containment


Hydrogen can be produced in undesired ways such as a high temperature metal oxidation during an accident. In this case, the hydrogen must be carefully managed. A hydrogen mitigation system (HMS) should be installed to protect a containment of a nuclear power plant (NPP) from hazards of hydrogen produced by an oxidation of the fuel cladding during a severe accident in an NPP. Among hydrogen removal devices, passive auto-catalytic recombiners (PARs) are currently applied to many NPPs because of passive characteristics, such as not requiring a power supply nor an operators’ manipulations. However, they offer several disadvantages, resulting in issues related to hydrogen control by PARs. One of the issues is a hydrogen stratification in which hydrogen is not well-mixed in a compartment due to the high temperature exhaust gas of PARs and accumulation in the lower part. Therefore, experimental simulation on hydrogen stratification phenomenon by PARs is required. When the hydrogen stratification by PARs is observed in the experiment, the verification and improvement of a PAR analysis model using the experimental results can be performed, and the hydrogen removal characteristics by PARs installed in an NPP can be evaluated using the improved PAR model. View Full-Text

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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