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Large-scale Compressed Hydrogen Storage as Part of Renewable Electricity Storage Systems


Storing energy in the form of hydrogen is a promising green alternative. Thus, there is a high interest to analyze the status quo of the different storage options. This paper focuses on the large-scale compressed hydrogen storage options with respect to three categories: storage vessels, geological storage, and other underground storage alternatives. In this study, we investigated a wide variety of compressed hydrogen storage technologies, discussing in fair detail their theory of operation, potential, and challenges. The analysis confirms that a techno-economic chain analysis is required to evaluate the viability of one storage option over another for a case by case. Some of the discussed technologies are immature; however, this does not rule out these technologies; rather, it portrays the research opportunities in the field and the foreseen potential of these technologies. Furthermore, we see that hydrogen would have a significant role in balancing intermittent renewable electricity production.

Funding source: The Academy of Finland; Fortum and Neste foundation
Countries: Finland ; Sweden

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