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A Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis in the North of Chile and the Case of Exportation from Atacama Desert to Japan


H2 production from solar electricity in the region of the Atacama Desert – Chile – has been identified as strategical for global hydrogen exportation. In this study the full supply chain of solar hydrogen has been investigated for 2018 and projected to scenarios for 2025-2030. Multi-year hourly electrical profiles data have been used from real operating PV plants and simulated Concentrated Solar Power “CSP” plants with Thermal Energy Storage “TES” as well as commercial electricity Power Purchase Agreement “PPA” prices reported in the Chilean electricity market were considered. The Levelized Cost of Hydrogen “LCOH” of each production pathway is calculated by a case-sensitive techno-economic MATLAB/Simulink model for utility scale (multi-MW) alkaline and PEM electrolyser technologies. Successively, different distribution, storage and transportation configurations are evaluated based on the 2025 Japanese case study according to the declared H2 demand. Transport in the form of liquefied hydrogen (LH2) and via ammonia (NH3) carrier is compared from the port of Antofagasta, CL to the port of Osaka, JP.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Chile ; Italy

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