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Environmentally Assisted Cracking Behavior of S420 and X80 Steels Containing U-notches at Two Different Cathodic Polarization Levels: An Approach from the Theory of Critical Distances


This paper analyzes, using the theory of critical distances, the environmentally assisted cracking behaviour of two steels (S420 and API X80) subjected to two different aggressive environments. The propagation threshold for environmentally assisted cracking (i.e., the stress intensity factor above which crack propagation initiates) in cracked and notched specimens (KIEAC and KNIEAC) has been experimentally obtained under different environmental conditions. Cathodic polarization has been employed to generate the aggressive environments, at 1 and 5 mA/cm2, causing hydrogen embrittlement on the steels. The point method and the line method, both belonging to the theory of critical distances, have been applied to verify their capacity to predict the initiation of crack propagation. The results demonstrate the capacity of the theory of critical distances to predict the crack propagation onset under the different combinations of material and aggressive environments.

Funding source: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, projects MAT2014-58738-C3-3-R, MAT2014-58443-P developed by the University of Cantabria.
Countries: Spain

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