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A Review of Hydrogen as a Fuel in Internal Combustion Engines


The demand for fossil fuels is increasing because of globalization and rising energy demands. As a result, many nations are exploring alternative energy sources, and hydrogen is an efficient and practical alternative fuel. In the transportation industry, the development of hydrogen-powered cars aims to maximize fuel efficiency and significantly reduce exhaust gas emission and concentration. The impact of using hydrogen as a supplementary fuel for spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI) engines on engine performance and gas emissions was investigated in this study. By adding hydrogen as a fuel in internal combustion engines, the torque, power, and brake thermal efficiency of the engines decrease, while their brake-specific fuel consumption increase. This study suggests that using hydrogen will reduce the emissions of CO, UHC, CO2 , and soot; however, NOx emission is expected to increase. Due to the reduction of environmental pollutants for most engines and the related environmental benefits, hydrogen fuel is a clean and sustainable energy source, and its use should be expanded.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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