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Impact of Hydrogen Fuel for CO2 Emission Reduction in Power Generation Sector in Japan


Japan’s energy consumption derives mostly from fossil fuels, which are un-secure and release a much greenhouse gas emissions. To meet goals of reducing GHG, hydrogen gas can be utilized in power generation in hydrogen fired and firing / co-combustion power plants. This paper analyses the impact of hydrogen in the power generation sector using the MARKAL-TIMES Japan optimization model framework. Two models are used: a base scenario without hydrogen and hydrogen scenario in which hydrogen is supplied from 2020 onwards. In the hydrogen scenario, other processes which are normally supplied by natural gas are reduced because the gas is instead used to generate power. Adding hydrogen to the energy supply leads to a decrease in projected use of fossil fuels. The hydrogen scenario produces fewer emissions than the base scenario; by 2050, the hydrogen scenario’s estimated 388 metric tons of CO2 emissions is over 250 tons less than the base scenario’s emissions of 588 metric tons.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Japan

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