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A Thorough Economic Evaluation by Implementing Solar/Wind Energies for Hydrogen Production: A Case Study


A technical–economic assessment was carried out in this study to determine the possibilities for wind and solar power generation in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. The results showed that most of the province has a solar irradiance of over 400 W/m2 , and also showed that wind and solar power generated in the province can be up to twice as cheap as the official price of renewable power in Afghanistan. The most suitable site for solar and hydrogen production was found to be Laškar Gah, where solar and hydrogen can be produced at a cost of 0.066 $/kWh and 2.1496 $/kg-H ¯ 2 , respectively. In terms of wind power production and hydrogen production from wind, the most suitable site was Sang¯ın, where wind power and hydrogen could be produced at costs of 0.057 $/kWh and 1.4527 $/kg-H2 , respectively. Despite the high potential of wind and solar energy in the Helmand province, the most suitable place in this region to produce hydrogen from wind/solar energy was evaluated from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives with the Multi-Criteria DecisionMaking (MCDM) method. The Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method was used for weighting criteria and the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method was used to prioritize locations. The results show that Sang¯ın is the most suitable place for the construction of a wind hydrogen power plant and Laškar Gah is the most suitable place for the ¯ construction of a solar hydrogen power plant.

Funding source: This research was funded by Prince of Songkla University of Thailand and Ministry of Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Under the Reinventing University Project Grant Number REV64010.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain

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