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Optimising Onshore Wind with Energy Storage Considering Curtailment


Operating energy storage alongside onshore wind can improve its economics, whilst providing a pathway for otherwise curtailed generation. In this work, we present a framework to evaluate the economic potential of onshore wind co-located with battery storage (BS) and a hydrogen electrolyser (HE). This model is applied to a case study in Great Britain using historic data, and considering local network charges and the cost of using curtailed power, capturing an often neglected element of competition. We use a Markov Chain to model wind curtailment, and determine the optimised scheduling of the storage as we vary price parameters and storage sizing. Finally, by considering storage CAPEX and comparing against the case with no storage, we can determine the value added (or lost) by different sized BS and HE for an onshore wind owner, as a function of power purchase agreement (PPA) and green hydrogen market price. Results show that value added increases when HE is increased and when BS is decreased. Additionally, a 10 MW electrolysers uses 27% more curtailed wind than 10 MW BS.

Funding source: This work is supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council via grant EP/L016818/1 which funds the Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications. Additionally, financial support is provided by the industrial sponsor of this project, Drax Power Ltd, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: United Kingdom

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