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Enabling the Scale Up of Green Hydrogen in Ireland by Decarbonising the Haulage Sector


The current research on green hydrogen can focus from the perspective of production but understanding the demand side is equally important to the initial creation of a hydrogen ecosystem in countries with low industrial activities that can utilise large amounts of hydrogen in the short term. Early movers in these countries must create a demand market in parallel with the green hydrogen plant commissioning. This paper presents research that explores the heavy-duty transport sector as a market-of-interest for early deployment of green hydrogen in Ireland. Conducting a survey-based market research amongst this sector indicate significant interest in hydrogen on the island of Ireland, and the barriers the participants presented have been overcome in other jurisdictions. The study develops a model to estimate 1.) the annual hydrogen demand and 2.) the corresponding delivery cost to potential hydrogen consumers, either directly or to central hydrogen fuelling hubs.

Funding source: This research was part-funded by Science Foundation Ireland through MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate, and Marine [Grant No: 12/RC/2302_P2], with supporting funding obtained from Industry.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Ireland

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