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A Study on Green Hydrogen-based Isolated Microgrid


This paper assesses the techno-economic feasibility of a green hydrogen-based microgrid for a remote Australian island. Hydrogen can be used to provide clean energy in areas where large-scale renewable energy sources are not feasible owing to geography, government regulations, or regulatory difficulties. This study not only identifies the appropriate component size for a hydrogen-based microgrid but also provides an economic perspective of decarbonising Thursday Island in Torres Straits, Queensland, Australia. Due to geographical constraints, the green hydrogen production system needs to be distinct from the electrical network. This research shows how to produce green hydrogen, transport it, and generate power at a low cost. The study was performed utilising the HOMER simulation platform to find the least cost solution. The simulation results demonstrate an AU$0.01 reduction in Levelised Cost of Energy compared to the present electricity generation cost which is AU$0.56. The inclusion of a green hydrogen system will potentially minimise CO2 emissions by 99.6% while ensuring almost 100% renewable penetration. The results of this study will also serve as a guide for the placement of hydrogen-based microgrids in similar remote locations around the world where numerous remote energy systems are located close to each other.

Funding source: This work was supported by CQUniversity Destination Australia Scholarship (funded by Australian Government for the international students studying at CQUniversity’s regional campuses) and International Excellence Award. Authors would also like to appreciate the contribution from Ergon Energy Network’s Isolated Networks team.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Australia

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