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Can Industry Keep Gas Distribution Networks Alive? Future Development of the Gas Network in a Decarbonized World: A German Case Study


With the growing need for decarbonization, the future gas demand will decrease and the necessity of a gas distribution network is at stake. A remaining industrial gas demand on the distribution network level could lead to industry becoming the main gas consumer supplied by the gas distribution network, leading to the question: can industry keep the gas distribution network alive? To answer this research question, a three-stage analysis was conducted, starting from a rough estimate of average gas demand per production site and then increasing the level of detail. This paper shows that about one third of the German industry sites investigated are currently supplied by the gas distribution network. While the steel industry offers new opportunities, the food and tobacco industry alone cannot sustain the gas distribution network by itself.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems CINES.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Germany

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