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A Global Review of the Hydrogen Energy Eco-System


Climate change primarily caused by the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of the consumption of carbon-based fossil fuels is considered one of the biggest challenges that humanity has ever faced. Moreover, the Ukrainian crisis in 2022 has complicated the global energy and food status quo more than ever. The permanency of this multifaceted fragility implies the need for increased efforts to have energy independence and requires long-term solutions without fossil fuels through the use of clean, zero-carbon renewables energies. Hydrogen technologies have a strong potential to emerge as an energy eco-system in its production-storage-distribution-utilization stages, with its synergistic integration with solar-wind-hydraulic-nuclear and other zero-carbon, clean renewable energy resources, and with the existing energy infrastructure. In this paper, we provide a global review of hydrogen energy need, related policies, practices, and state of the art for hydrogen production, transportation, storage, and utilization.

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United States

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