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Computational Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Storage Tanks for Aircraft Applications


During the last two decades, the use of hydrogen (H2 ) as fuel for aircraft applications has been drawing attention; more specifically, its storage in liquid state (LH2 ), which is performed in extreme cryogenic temperatures (−253 ◦C), is a matter of research. The motivation for this effort is enhanced by the predicted growth of the aviation sector; however, it is estimated that this growth could be sustainable only if the strategies and objectives set by global organizations for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions during the next decades, such as the European Green Deal, are taken into consideration and, consequently, technologies such as hydrogen fuel are promoted. Regarding LH2 in aircraft, substantial effort is required to design, analyze and manufacture suitable tanks for efficient storage. Important tools in this process are computational methods provided by advanced engineering software (CAD/CAE). In the present work, a computational study with the finite element method is performed in order to parametrically analyze proper tanks, examining the effect of the LH2 level stored as well as the tank geometric configuration. In the process, the need for powerful numerical models is demonstrated, owing to the highly non-linear dependence on temperature of the involved materials. The present numerical models’ efficiency could be further enhanced by integrating them as part of a total aircraft configuration design loop.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Greece

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