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Renewable Hydrogen: Modular Concepts from Production over Storage to the Consumer


A simulation tool called HYDRA to optimize individual hydrogen infrastructure layouts is presented. The different electrolyzer technologies, namely proton exchange membrane electrolysis, anion exchange membrane electrolysis, alkaline electrolysis, and solid oxide electrolysis, as well as hydrogen storage possibilities are described in more detail and evaluated. To illustrate the application opportunities of HYDRA, three project examples are discussed. The examples include central and decentral applications while taking the usage of hydrogen into account.

Funding source: The authors would like to acknowledge the Climate andEnergy Fund of Austria and the Austrian ResearchPromotion Agency for funding the realization of thisarticle in the course of the IEA technology collaborationprogramme Advanced Fuel Cells, Annex 34 Fuel Cellsfor Transportation.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Austria

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