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A Technology Review of Decarbonization: Efficient Techniques for Producing Hydrogen as Fuel


Climate change is obvious in many ways. The weather changes rapidly from day to day, reaching high temperatures, such as 28 ◦C, one day and heavy rain the next, with temperatures below 18 ◦C. There are also very strong storms caused by this phenomenon. The way the environment acts is different than the current epoch would predict, indicating a long-term shift in weather and temperature patterns. The mean temperature of earth is rising due to the greenhouse effect that is caused by human activity and mostly by the burning of fossil fuel, emitting CO2 and other pollutant gasses. Nowadays, every country is trying to lower CO2 emissions from everyday human activities, a movement called “decarbonization”. Since the 18th century there has been a great deal of research carried out on possible alternatives to fossil fuels. Some of the work was just to discover ways to power heaters or automotive vehicle, but there is a great deal of work remaining to complete regarding this issue after discovering the greenhouse effect and its impact on the planet’s climate, in order to eliminate it by using fuel whose combustion emissions are more environmentally friendly. In the present work, many discoveries will be presented that use hydrogen (H2 ) or hydroxy (H-OH) as fuel. The main reason for this is the emission of pure water after combustion, but the most interesting part is the approach every scientist uses to create the fuel gas from water.

Funding source: The publication/registration fees were totally covered by the University of West Attica (P.N. 62573/30-06-2023).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Greece

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