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A Computational Study of Hydrogen Dispersion and Explosion after Large-Scale Leakage of Liquid Hydrogen


This study employs the FLACS code to analyze hydrogen leakage, vapor dispersion, and subsequent explosions. Utilizing pseudo-source models, a liquid pool model, and a hybrid model combining both, we investigate dispersion processes for varying leak mass flow rates (0.225 kg/s and 0.73 kg/s) in a large open space. We also evaluate explosion hazards based on overpressure and impulse effects on humans. The computational results, compared with experimental data, demonstrated reasonable hydrogen vapor cloud concentration predictions, especially aligned with the wind direction. For higher mass flow rate of 0.73 kg/s, the pseudo-source model exhibited the most reasonable predictive performance for locations near the leak source despite the hybrid model yielded similar results to the pseudo-source model, while the liquid pool model was more suitable for lower mass flow rate of 0.225 kg/s. Regarding explosion analyses using overpressure-impulse diagram, higher mass flow rates leaded to potentially fatal overpressure and impulse effects on humans. However, lower mass flow rates may cause severe eardrum damage at the maximum overpressure point.

Funding source: This work was supported by the principal research programs funded by the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) of Korea (Development of the core equipment for liquid hydrogen supply systems).
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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