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A Model for Assessing the Potential Impact Radius of Hydrogen Pipelines Based on Jet Fire Radiation


The accurate determination of the potential impact radius is crucial for the design and risk assessment of hydrogen pipelines. The existing methodologies employ a single point source model to estimate radiation and the potential impact radius. However, these approaches overlook the jet fire shape resulting from high-pressure leaks, leading to discrepancies between the calculated values and real-world incidents. This study proposes models that account for both the mass release rate, while considering the pressure drop during hydrogen pipeline leakage, and the radiation, while incorporating the flame shape. The analysis encompasses 60 cases that are representative of hydrogen pipeline scenarios. A simplified model for the potential impact radius is subsequently correlated, and its validity is confirmed through comparison with actual cases. The proposed model for the potential impact radius of hydrogen pipelines serves as a valuable reference for the enhancement of the precision of hydrogen pipeline design and risk assessment.

Funding source: This research was funded jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant numbers 52206190 and 52306171, and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, grant number 122072.
Related subjects: Safety

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