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Numerical Modelling of Hydrogen Release and Dispersion in Under-deck Compressed Hydrogen Storage of Marine Ships


There is growing interest in using hydrogen (H2) as a marine fuel. Fire and explosion risks depend on hydrogen release and dispersion characteristics. Based on a validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, this study performed hydrogen release and dispersion analysis on an under-deck compressed H2 storage system for a Live-Fish Carrier. A realistic, under-deck H2 storage room was modelled based on the ship’s main dimensions and operational profile. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Rules and Regulations for natural gas storage as a marine fuel were employed as base design guidelines. Case studies were developed to study the effect of two ceiling types (flat and slanted) in terms of flammable cloud formation and dissipation. During the leak’s duration, it was found that the recommended ventilation rate was insufficient to dilute the average H2 concentration below 25% of the flammable range as required by DNV (1.2% required against 1.3% slanted and 1.4% flat). However, after 35 s of gas extraction, the H2 concentration was reduced to 0.5% and 0.6% in the slanted and flat cases, respectively. The proposed methodology remains valid to improve the ventilation system and assess mitigation alternatives or other leakage scenarios in confined or semi-confined spaces containing compressed hydrogen gas.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Australia

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