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Controlling the Pressure of Hydrogen-natural Gas Mixture in an Inclined Pipeline


This paper discusses the optimal control of pressure using the zero-gradient control (ZGC) approach. It is applied for the first time in the study to control the optimal pressure of hydrogen natural gas mixture in an inclined pipeline. The solution to the flow problem is first validated with existing results using the Taylor series approximation, regression analysis and the Runge-Kutta method combined. The optimal pressure is then determined using ZGC where the optimal set points are calculated without having to solve the non-linear system of equations associated with the standard optimization problem. It is shown that the mass ratio is the more effective parameter compared to the initial pressure in controlling the maximum variation of pressure in a gas pipeline.

Funding source: Financial support provided by Research and Innovation University Grant Scheme, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, is gratefully acknowledged.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Indonesia ; Malaysia

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