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Circular Economy for the Energy System as a Leverage for Low-carbon Transition: Long-Ter, Analysis of the Case of the South-East Region of France


The circular economy is a decisive strategy for reconciling economic development and the environment. In France, the CE was introduced into the law in 2015 with the objective of closing the loop. The legislation also delegates energy policy towards the French regions by granting them the jurisdiction to directly plan the energy–climate issues on their territory and to develop local energy resources. Thereby, the SUD PACA region has redefined its objectives and targeted carbon neutrality and the transition to a CE by 2050. To study this transition, we developed a TIMESPACA optimization model. The results show that following a CE perspective to develop a local energy system could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by 50% in final energy consumption and reaching almost free electricity production. To obtain greater reductions, the development of the regional energy systems should follow a careful policy design favoring the transition to low energy-consuming behavior and the strategical allocation of resources across the different sectors. Biomethane should be allocated to the buildings and industrial sector, while hydrogen should be deployed for buses and freight transport vehicles.

Funding source: This research is primarily funded by ADEME and Région SUD and supported by SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC as part of a doctoral program. The work is also supported by the Modeling for Sustainable Development Chair, driven by MINES ParisTech and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, supported by ADEME, EDF, GRTgaz, RTE, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, TOTAL, and the general directorate for energy and climate of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. The Modeling for Sustainable Development Chair gratefully acknowledges the support received for this study. The views expressed in the reports or any public documents linked to the research program are attributable only to the authors in their personal capacity and not to the funders.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: France

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