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A Power Dispatch Allocation Strategy to Produce Green Hydrogen in a Grid-integrated Offshore Hybrid Energy System


A dedicated grid-tied offshore hybrid energy system for hydrogen production is a promising solution to unlock the full benefit of offshore wind and solar energy and realize decarbonization and sustainable energy security targets in electricity and other sectors. Current knowledge of these offshore hybrid systems is limited, particularly in the integration, component control, and allocation aspects. Therefore, a grid-integrated analytical model with a power dispatch allocation strategy between the grid and electrolyzer for the co-production of hydrogen from the offshore hybrid energy system is developed in this paper. While producing hydrogen, the proposed offshore hybrid energy system supplies a percentage of its capacity to the onshore grid facility, and the amount of the electricity is quantified based on the electricity market price and available total offshore generation. The detailed controls of each component are discussed. A case study considers a hypothetical hybrid offshore energy system of 10 MW situated in a potential offshore off the NSW of Australia based on realistic metrological data. A grid-scale proton-exchange membrane electrolyzer stack is used and a model predictive power controller is implemented on the distributed hydrogen generation scheme. The model is helpful for the assessment or optimization of both the economics and feasibility of the dedicated offshore hybrid energy farm for hydrogen production systems.

Funding source: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Future Fuels-CRC, Australia.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Australia

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