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Resilience Assessment of Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen Systems


Low-cost green hydrogen production will be key in reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Green hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis using renewable energy, including wind energy. However, the configuration of offshore wind-to-hydrogen systems is not yet standardised. For example, electrolysis can take place onshore or offshore. This work presents a framework to assess and quantify which configuration is more resilient, so that security of hydrogen supply is incorporated in strategic decisions with the following key findings. First, resilience should be assessed according to hydrogen supply, rather than hydrogen production. This allows the framework to be applicable for all identified system configurations. Second, resilience can be quantified according to the quantity, ratio, and lost revenue of the unsupplied hydrogen.

Funding source: This research is part of the Hydrogen Cost Reduction (HyCoRe) Alpha project funded by the Ofgem Strategic Innovation Fund Alpha—Round 2 Mechanism with reference REF:10079341. We acknowledge the EPSRC Hub on Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions (EP/X038823/1) for funding conference participation
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: United Kingdom

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