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Flame Stabilization and Blow-off of Ultra-Lean H2-Air Premixed Flames


The manner in which an ultra-lean hydrogen flame stabilizes and blows off is crucial for the understanding and design of safe and efficient combustion devices. In this study, we use experiments and numerical simulations for pure H2-air flames stabilized behind a cylindrical bluff body to reveal the underlying physics that make such flames stable and eventually blow-off. Results from CFD simulations are used to investigate the role of stretch and preferential diffusion after a qualitative validation with experiments. It is found that the flame displacement speed of flames stabilized beyond the lean flammability limit of a flat stretchless flame (φ = 0.3) can be scaled with a relevant tubular flame displacement speed. This result is crucial as no scaling reference is available for such flames. We also confirm our previous hypothesis regarding lean limit blow-off for flames with a neck formation that such flames are quenched due to excessive local stretching. After extinction at the flame neck, flames with closed flame fronts are found to be stabilized inside a recirculation zone.

Funding source: This research was funded by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under Project no. 13549.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Netherlands

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