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Deep-Decarbonisation Pathways for UK Industry


The Climate Change Committee (CCC) commissioned Element Energy to improve our evidence base on the potential of industrial deep-decarbonisation measures (fuel switching, CCS/BECCS, measures to reduce methane emissions) and develop pathways for their application. This report summarises the evidence and results of the work including:

  • Evidence on the key constraints and costs for technology and infrastructure deployment
  • The methodology and new Net Zero Industry Pathway (N-ZIP) model used to determine deep-decarbonisation pathways for UK industry (drawing on the evidence above)
  • A set of pathways and wider sensitivities produced using the N-ZIP model, which fed into the CCC’s Sixth Carbon Budget pathways
  • Recommended actions and policy measures, as informed by the study.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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