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HyNet North West- from Vision to Reality


HyNet North West (NW) is an innovative, integrated low carbon hydrogen production, distribution and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) project. It provides hydrogen distribution and CCUS infrastructure across Liverpool, Manchester and parts of Cheshire in support of the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy (CGS) and achievement of the UK’s emissions reduction targets.
Hydrogen will be produced from natural gas and sent via a new pipeline to a range of industrial sites, for injection as a blend into the existing natural gas network and for use as a transport fuel. Resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) will be captured and, together with CO2 from local industry, which is already available, sent by pipeline for storage offshore in the nearby Liverpool Bay gas fields. Key data for the Project are presented in Table ES1.

Funding source: Cadent Gas, Progressive Energy LTD
Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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