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Sustainable Hydrogen Production: A Role for Fusion

A workshop exploring the potential for large scale Hydrogen production through methods other than electrolysis


This Meeting Report summarises the findings of a two-day workshop in April 2007 at the Culham Science Centre and Worcester College, Oxford, which explored the potential for large-scale Hydrogen production through methods other than electrolysis.
Operating at the cusp of research and policy-making, the UK Energy Research Centre's mission is to be the UK's pre-eminent centre of research, and source of authoritative information and leadership, on sustainable energy systems. The Centre takes a whole systems approach to energy research, incorporating economics, engineering and the physical, environmental and social sciences while developing and maintaining the means to enable cohesive research in energy. A key supporting function of UKERC is the Meeting Place, based in Oxford, which aims to bring together members of the UK energy community and overseas experts from different disciplines, to learn, identify problems, develop solutions and further the energy debate.

Funding source: UKERC; IChemE; UKAEA; Fusion; Energy Security Initiative
Countries: United Kingdom

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