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f Hy4Heat Understanding Commercial Appliances - Work Package 5


The 'Hydrogen for Heat' (Hy4Heat) programme aims to support the UK Government in its ambitions to decarbonise the UK energy sector in line with the targets of the Climate Change Act 2008, by attempting to evaluate and de-risk the natural gas to hydrogen network conversion option. The impact on the commercial sector is an important factor in understanding the feasibility of utilising hydrogen to decarbonise heat in the UK. The overall objective of the market research study Work Package 5 (WP5) was to determine if it is theoretically possible to successfully convert the commercial sector to hydrogen. This work will contribute to the understanding of the scale, type and capacity of gas heating appliances within the sector, providing a characterisation of the market and determining the requirements and feasibility for successfully transitioning them to hydrogen in the future.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above 

Funding source: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Countries: United Kingdom

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