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Project Cavendish - National Grid Gas Transmission


The Isle of Grain (IoG) presents a technically feasible, commercially viable, strategic location to build and operate a hydrogen production facility which would be a key enabler to the UK meeting the Net Zero 2050 target.
As highlighted in the ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report, published by The Committee on Climate Change in May 2019, hydrogen is set to have a major part to play in reducing UK carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is also seen as essential to support those supplies.
The report further recognises that this will involve increased investments and that CCS and hydrogen will require both capital funding and revenue support.
For hydrogen to have a part to play in the decarbonisation of London and the south east of England, a large-scale hydrogen production facility will be required which will provide a multi vector solution through the decarbonisation of the gas grid.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.

Funding source: Network Innovation Allowance (NIA)
Countries: United Kingdom

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