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Enabling Hydrogen Blending From Industrial Clusters


This study has been commissioned by the gas transporters as part of the Gas Goes Green (GGG)2 work programme, to develop and report a ‘gas transporter view’ on how to facilitate hydrogen blending from industrial clusters, which are likely to form the initial source for hydrogen blending in the gas network. This view has been developed through engagement carried out with industrial clusters and other stakeholders, as well as drawing on learnings from a previous hydrogen blending study.3 The key takeaways of this study are that: l Enabling hydrogen blending from industrial clusters can be done in a pragmatic way, with limited need for change to existing gas frameworks. l Where frameworks do need to change, the changes are incremental rather than involving overhaul of existing frameworks, and are highly workable. l While there remain uncertainties as to the nature of blending at each cluster (e.g. the volume and profile of hydrogen injections), in general the changes required to commercial and regulatory frameworks are the same, implying that they are low regret. Below we summarise gas transporters’ preferred approach to facilitating hydrogen blending from industrial clusters, including both the policy decisions needed, and the changes required to commercial and regulatory frameworks. We note that this work has not involved a legal review, and that one will be required as part of the process of implementing the framework changes described below.

Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: United Kingdom

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