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Report on Socio-economic Impact of the FCH -JU Activities


The FCH JU has, with its industry and research partners, worked since 2008 to develop and demonstrate FCH technologies, along with development of the various business and environmental cases. It has involved a programme of increasingly ambitious demonstrations projects, a consistent approach to research and development actions and a long term policy commitment. Developing the business and environmental cases for FCH technologies has created an increasingly compelling vision appealing to a range of stakeholders: to FCH technology businesses themselves assured by the long term commitment of the FCH JU, to end users in terms of cost and operational performance potential, and as critically to increasing numbers of policy and decision makers attracted by the substantial socio-economic benefits.

Funding source: The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Belgium

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