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Global Energy Review 2020- The Impacts of the Covid-19 Crisis on Global Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions


In response to the exceptional circumstances stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, the annual IEA Global Energy Review has expanded its coverage to include real-time analysis of developments to date in 2020 and possible directions for the rest of the year. In addition to reviewing 2019 energy and CO2 emissions data by fuel and country, for this section of the Global Energy Review we have tracked energy use by country and fuel over the past three months and in some cases – such as electricity – in real time. Some tracking will continue on a weekly basis. The uncertainty surrounding public health, the economy and hence energy over the rest of 2020 is unprecedented. This analysis therefore not only charts a possible path for energy use and CO2 emissions in 2020 but also highlights the many factors that could lead to differing outcomes. We draw key lessons on how to navigate this once-in-a-century crisis.
Link to Document on IEA websitte

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: France

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